Download Full Movie Avengers: Age of Ultron Official Extended Trailer (2015) - Avengers Sequ...
Avengers : Age of Ultron opens with a scene of the Avenger attacked the
headquarters of Hydra ( See the movie Captain America 1 or 2 if you want to
know more about Hydra ) , led by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker . Their main
target was to capture Loki sticks ( see the movie Thor or Avengers first to
know Loki and his staff ) used Hydra to experiment form the superhuman . Their
efforts succeeded , Loki sticks can be captured . Here , the audience is
introduced with the experimental results 2 super hero named Pietro and Wanda
Maximoff . Pietro has speed like character The Flash , Wanda has the power to
manipulate the mind and threw a shot of energy . Both have a deep grudge on
Avengers , especially at the Iron Man who had made their parents were killed in
a bomb .
Avengers : Age of Ultron opens with a scene of the Avenger attacked the
headquarters of Hydra ( See the movie Captain America 1 or 2 if you want to
know more about Hydra ) , led by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker . Their main
target was to capture Loki sticks ( see the movie Thor or Avengers first to
know Loki and his staff ) used Hydra to experiment form the superhuman . Their
efforts succeeded , Loki sticks can be captured . Here , the audience is
introduced with the experimental results 2 super hero named Pietro and Wanda
Maximoff . Pietro has speed like character The Flash , Wanda has the power to
manipulate the mind and threw a shot of energy . Both have a deep grudge on
Avengers , especially at the Iron Man who had made their parents were killed in
a bomb .
Film Avengers: Age of Ultron dibuka dengan adegan para Avenger menyerang markas Hydra (Lihat film Captain Amerika 1 atau 2 jika ingin tahu lebih lengkap tentang Hydra) yang dipimpin oleh Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Target utama mereka adalah merebut tongkat Loki (lihat film Thor atau Avengers 1 untuk tahu Loki dan tongkatnya) yang digunakan Hydra untuk bereksperimen membentuk manusia super. Usaha mereka berhasil, tongkat Loki dapat direbut. Di sini, penonton diperkenalkan dengan 2 tokoh super hasil eksperimen yang bernama Pietro dan Wanda Maximoff. Pietro memiliki kecepatan seperti tokoh The Flash, Wanda memiliki kekuatan memanipulasi pikiran dan melemparkan tembakan energi. Keduanya memiliki dendam mendalam pada Avengers, terutama pada Iron Man yang telah membuat orang tua mereka terbunuh dalam sebuah bom.
tunggu versi beningnya juga... ( dg kwalitas gambar yg bagus nanti )
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