Free Android Game - Real Steel World Robot Boxing
Narrated in 2020, the sport of boxing has changed to a more
modern. Where, human limitations clashing in the ring, began to be replaced by
human-controlled robot technology via remote control. The robot fight like a
boxer. Real violence without control. Slaughter each other until shattered.
That is the end goal. fight scenes in real steel film begins on the life story
of Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman). Boxing legend who struggled from the
hardships of life as a result of the debt that has accumulated since it is
always lost in a fist fight between robots.
modern. Where, human limitations clashing in the ring, began to be replaced by
human-controlled robot technology via remote control. The robot fight like a
boxer. Real violence without control. Slaughter each other until shattered.
That is the end goal. fight scenes in real steel film begins on the life story
of Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman). Boxing legend who struggled from the
hardships of life as a result of the debt that has accumulated since it is
always lost in a fist fight between robots.
The Ambush, robot last remaining hope, to lose in the final
performance against the bull. Forcing it to quickly find a replacement at the
same time pay off debts. Coincidentally at the same time on the court, the
judge termination child custody case is being implemented. Looking at it,
Charlie made an agreement with the adoptive father of Max, in order to pay
100,000 dollars. From there the beginning of a new adventure begins, between
father and son who just met. Are arguing and self-righteous. Charlie again had
to swallow disappointment. Noisy Boy, a new robot purchased from the agreement
must be slaughtered it out in the ring. real stainless synopsis
performance against the bull. Forcing it to quickly find a replacement at the
same time pay off debts. Coincidentally at the same time on the court, the
judge termination child custody case is being implemented. Looking at it,
Charlie made an agreement with the adoptive father of Max, in order to pay
100,000 dollars. From there the beginning of a new adventure begins, between
father and son who just met. Are arguing and self-righteous. Charlie again had
to swallow disappointment. Noisy Boy, a new robot purchased from the agreement
must be slaughtered it out in the ring. real stainless synopsis
Because there is no chance to have a new robot, Charlie and
Max headed to the landfill. Because the guard, Max fell and caught in a wreck
lucky robot arm. A robot that will be starting behind the life of both. Of the
remaining parts Ambush and Noisy Boy, with the help of a technician Bailey,
named ATOM Robot output of the second Generesi 2014 successfully revived.
Although smallish, Atom is driven based on the response of protection of
movement Max and Charlie were able to beat opponents larger. Finally, for the
sake of a bet bets successfully passed, Atom increasingly popular among boxing
match between a robot. Until finally, they go to a boxing match prestigious
stage in the world. An arena of battle between robots with the latest
technology in WRB
Max headed to the landfill. Because the guard, Max fell and caught in a wreck
lucky robot arm. A robot that will be starting behind the life of both. Of the
remaining parts Ambush and Noisy Boy, with the help of a technician Bailey,
named ATOM Robot output of the second Generesi 2014 successfully revived.
Although smallish, Atom is driven based on the response of protection of
movement Max and Charlie were able to beat opponents larger. Finally, for the
sake of a bet bets successfully passed, Atom increasingly popular among boxing
match between a robot. Until finally, they go to a boxing match prestigious
stage in the world. An arena of battle between robots with the latest
technology in WRB
Dikisahkan pada tahun 2020, olahraga tinju telah mengalami
perubahan ke arah yang lebih modern. Dimana, keterbatasan manusia saling beradu
di atas ring, mulai tergantikan oleh teknologi robot yang dikendalikan manusia
melalui remote control.Para robotlah yang bertarung layaknya petinju. Kekerasan
nyata tanpa kontrol. Saling membantai sampai hancur berkeping-keping. Itulah
tujuan akhirnya. adegan pertarungan di real steelCerita Film diawali dari
kehidupan Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman). Sang legenda tinju yang berjuang dari
kesulitan hidup akibat hutang yang menumpuk karena selalu kalah dalam
pertarungan tinju antar robot.
perubahan ke arah yang lebih modern. Dimana, keterbatasan manusia saling beradu
di atas ring, mulai tergantikan oleh teknologi robot yang dikendalikan manusia
melalui remote control.Para robotlah yang bertarung layaknya petinju. Kekerasan
nyata tanpa kontrol. Saling membantai sampai hancur berkeping-keping. Itulah
tujuan akhirnya. adegan pertarungan di real steelCerita Film diawali dari
kehidupan Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman). Sang legenda tinju yang berjuang dari
kesulitan hidup akibat hutang yang menumpuk karena selalu kalah dalam
pertarungan tinju antar robot.
The Ambush, robot terakhir sisa harapannya, harus kalah pada
pertunjukan terakhir melawan banteng. Memaksanya untuk segera mencari pengganti
sekaligus melunasi hutang-hutang.Kebetulan pada saat bersamaan di pengadilan,
pemutusan hakim perkara hak asuh anak sedang dilaksanakan. Melihat hal itu,
Charlie membuat perjanjian dengan ayah angkat Max, agar membayar 100.000
dollar.Dari situlah awal petualangan baru dimulai, antara ayah dan anak yang
baru bertemu. Saling berdebat dan merasa paling benar. Charlie lagi-lagi harus
menelan kekecewaan. Noisy Boy, robot baru yang dibeli dari uang perjanjian
harus terbantai habis-habisan di atas ring. real steel sinopsis
pertunjukan terakhir melawan banteng. Memaksanya untuk segera mencari pengganti
sekaligus melunasi hutang-hutang.Kebetulan pada saat bersamaan di pengadilan,
pemutusan hakim perkara hak asuh anak sedang dilaksanakan. Melihat hal itu,
Charlie membuat perjanjian dengan ayah angkat Max, agar membayar 100.000
dollar.Dari situlah awal petualangan baru dimulai, antara ayah dan anak yang
baru bertemu. Saling berdebat dan merasa paling benar. Charlie lagi-lagi harus
menelan kekecewaan. Noisy Boy, robot baru yang dibeli dari uang perjanjian
harus terbantai habis-habisan di atas ring. real steel sinopsis
Karena sudah tidak ada peluang untuk memiliki robot baru,
Charlie dan Max menuju ke tempat pembuangan. Karena ketidakhati-hatiannya, Max
terjatuh dan beruntung tersangkut di sebuah rongsokan lengan robot. Sebuah
robot yang akan menjadi tolak balik kehidupan keduanya.Dari sisa onderdil
Ambush dan Noisy Boy, dengan bantuan Bailey seorang teknisi, Robot bernama ATOM
dari Generesi kedua keluaran tahun 2014 berhasil dihidupkan kembali.Meskipun
bertubuh kecil, Atom yang digerakkan berdasarkan respon proteksi dari gerakan
Max dan Charlie mampu menghajar lawan-lawannya yang lebih besar. Akhirnya,
taruhan demi taruhan berhasil dilalui, Atom semakin terkenal di kalangan
pertandingan tinju antar robot.Sampai akhirnya, mereka menuju ke pentas
pertandingan tinju bergengsi di dunia. Sebuah ajang pertarungan antar robot
dengan teknologi terbaru di WRB.
Charlie dan Max menuju ke tempat pembuangan. Karena ketidakhati-hatiannya, Max
terjatuh dan beruntung tersangkut di sebuah rongsokan lengan robot. Sebuah
robot yang akan menjadi tolak balik kehidupan keduanya.Dari sisa onderdil
Ambush dan Noisy Boy, dengan bantuan Bailey seorang teknisi, Robot bernama ATOM
dari Generesi kedua keluaran tahun 2014 berhasil dihidupkan kembali.Meskipun
bertubuh kecil, Atom yang digerakkan berdasarkan respon proteksi dari gerakan
Max dan Charlie mampu menghajar lawan-lawannya yang lebih besar. Akhirnya,
taruhan demi taruhan berhasil dilalui, Atom semakin terkenal di kalangan
pertandingan tinju antar robot.Sampai akhirnya, mereka menuju ke pentas
pertandingan tinju bergengsi di dunia. Sebuah ajang pertarungan antar robot
dengan teknologi terbaru di WRB.
Real Steel the Video Game
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